Saunas and cruise clubs
These are places where men go to fuck. They have one purpose: No strings sex.
You can have a lot of fun, and meet some good guys, but you probably won’t find true love. They’re great places to go and find someone to fuck when you’re horny, and you’ll have a better idea of what you’re going to get than cruising online.
It's always "your ass, your rules"
Because they’re such intensely sexual spaces – filled with horny men looking to get off, it’s easy to get carried away fast. That means you really need to keep focused on staying safe. These places often get busy as the bars and clubs close, so the men you meet might have been drinking or on drugs before they get there and not be as focused as usual about staying safe. A lot of guys in these places use poppers too, and that can also make you feel so good that it’s hard to remember to protect yourself.
It’s easy to slip up in that kind of atmosphere, so make extra sure you keep yourself safe when you’re there.

Sauna vs cruise club
- At a sauna, you put your clothes in a locker, get a towel, condoms and lube, and then go off to have a steam, a spa, a swim, or just watch porn and cruise the hallways and see if there’s anyone there you want to have hot sweaty fun with. As well as the public areas, there are rooms with mattresses in them which are open for you to use. Remember none of us are mind-readers – if you see a hot guy lying there, don’t be shy and see if he’s interested. Don’t get heart-broken if he turns you down – it happens to us all.
- At a cruise-club, you pay the entry fee and are given condoms and lube, then generally leave your clothes on till you meet someone you want to fuck, but it’s the same idea. You walk around, see who’s there, figure out who you think is hot, make your move and see what happens. A lot of cruise clubs have private rooms that you can hire if you want a guaranteed space of your own, but most guys are happy to wander and take a cubicle when they find someone.
Be a bit brave. If everyone waits for someone else to make the first move, nothing will ever happen.
Remember, everyone, including you, is free to say “no thanks” in these places. If they do, it’s polite to just move on.
Keep your condom and lube handy, or ask at the front desk if you need more. If you're HIV negative and struggle with consistent condom use, consider taking PrEP to stay safe. PrEP is great for preventing HIV transmission, but it doesn't protect you against other STIs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia. It’s easy to get swept up in the moment in these places when you just want to fuck - but it’s important to protect yourself. No matter how hot the guy is, you don’t know where he’s been, who he’s been fucking or if he even knows what his HIV status is, so keep yourself safe by insisting on condoms and lube.
These places can be a lot of fun; you can have some great sex in a safe environment and maybe even make some friends, but don’t go expecting to fall in love – that’s not what they’re built for.
Where are they?
This is a full list of the saunas and cruise clubs in New Zealand. Some big, some small - but all with the same goal.
Salty Dicks - 1 Connel Rd, Waipu
The Grinder - 348 K' Rd
Peaches & Cream - 474 K' Rd
K Rd Video - 354a K' Rd
Lateshift - 25 Dundonald St
Basement - 12 Canada St (down drive)
Centurian - 1st Floor / 18 Beresford Square
The Wingate Club - 76 Wingate
Guyz - 856a Victoria Street
Peaches & Cream - 120 Cuba Mall
Menfriends Sauna - 427 Tuam St
The Box - 6 Manning Place
Bodyworks Club - 127 Stuart St