Butt Lube 101: What you need to know about lubes for your ass
When it comes to putting stuff in your butt, it's really important to use lube. That’s easy enough to say, but how do you know what sort of lube to use when there are so many different kinds out there?
Well, when it comes to fun in your bum it’s actually quite simple: you want the plainest lube you can find. The lining of your rectum is super pro at absorbing stuff - that’s the job it’s there to do, which is why you don’t want unnecessary chemicals in your butt.
Your two best options are plain water-based lube and plain silicone-based lube.
When it comes to fun in your bum it’s actually quite simple: you want the plainest lube you can find.
Flavoured lubes are out, as are warming lubes, tingling lubes and desensitising lubes. It is really important to avoid desensitising or relaxing anal lubes, especially if you’re a newbie, because if you can’t feel what’s going on in your ass then you can’t properly monitor if you might be getting hurt or not.

If you're using condoms don't use any oil-based lubes as they can cause condoms to break. So no coconut oil with connies!
If you're using condoms don't use any oil-based lubes as they can cause condoms to break. So no coconut oil with connies!
Water-based or Silicone-based Lube?
Water-based lube is less expensive and more commonly available, but you will end up needing to use a bit more because it does eventually get absorbed by your body.
Silicone-based lube, on the other hand, does not get absorbed by your body, so you won’t need to use as much or reapply it as often, though it does usually cost more. It also might be a little more difficult to wash off afterwards.
Different people will hold a preference for either water or silicone-based lubes, and that’s entirely down to personal choice.

Now knowing that plain water or silicone-based lubes are what you want to go for, here's a checklist of what else you’ll need to know:
- Both silicone and water-based lubes are perfectly fine to use with condoms
- Oil-based lubes deteriorate the quality of condoms, making them more likely to break. So oils and petroleum jellies like Vaseline are out
- Don’t combine silicone lube with silicone sex toys, because the two will react and your toys will start to melt away
- You can buy lube at supermarkets, chemists, sex shops and online
- If you order condoms from us - they will come with some lube sachets for you to try out.
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Pūkoro Ure Fit Kit
Not sure what size condom you need? Remember, penises come in all shapes, colours, sizes and with different foreskins too. There is a condom that’s just right for your wonderful and unique body, so stand proud no matter your fit! We have an awesome resource called the Pūkoro Ure Fit Kit, which contains 7 different condoms, several lube packets and instructions on how to find which condom fits you best!
Order one and find your fit!Pūkoro Ure Fit Kit
Not sure what size condom you need? Remember, penises come in all shapes, colours, sizes and with different foreskins too. There is a condom that’s just right for your wonderful and unique body, so stand proud no matter your fit! We have an awesome resource called the Pūkoro Ure Fit Kit, which contains 7 different condoms, several lube packets and instructions on how to find which condom fits you best!
Order one and find your fit!Check out the lube info all about them in the video below: