In-person testing, home test kits and condom fit-kits orders will be paused until we're back on 6 Jan. In the meantime, visit your local GP or emergency healthcare clinic for testing Get a Test

Two people under the sheets cuddling in bed

Three Reasons Gay Guys Are More Likely To Acquire HIV

Men who have sex with men, are much more likely to acquire HIV through unprotected sex than your average straight guy. Ever wondered why?

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Can I Say 'Queer'?

You've heard it used and seen it in people's Instagram bios, but can you say it? 

Let's talk about it!

Gay Couple Kissing Free LGBT Inclusive Stock Photos

Queer & Sex Positive Stock Photos that Don't Suck

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Please Abstain From Telling Us To Promote Abstinence

Here are three reasons (we don’t need many) why this approach helps no one:

Person with their hands on their face

Gay? Bi? Straight?

Some guys are totally straight, some are totally gay, but there's quite a lot of room in the middle.

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