Helpful Tools/Apps
Here are some tools to help you on your journey:
- AIDSinfo has treatment and research information.
- The Liverpool HIV iChart is an easy IOS & Android app where you can search for potential drug-drug interactions between anti-HIV medications and other drugs, as recommended by international treatment guidelines.
- LivLife is a platform for people living with HIV to empower one another by sharing relevant, up to date information.
- Care4Today is an app designed to empower PLHIV to more effectively manage things like medications and appointments, while offering tracking capabilities for key health measures.

We offer free and confidential counselling around Aotearoa and our services are available to people living with HIV, their friends and whānau, and anyone who is affected by or at risk of HIV.
Our counselling team are trained in creating safe-spaces for people who need to talk about HIV, sexual-health, sexuality and general well-being.
You can find out more and book an appointment here.

It can help to talk
Many people feel they can only talk about the big medical or life-and-death issues when it comes to living with HIV. Yet, you might notice seemingly smaller concerns creeping in, or you might have questions you think are silly - remember, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. The more you feel like you can talk about anything with your partner, family, counsellor, friend, doctor or another person living with HIV, the easier you will find it to move forward with living well with HIV.
HIV stigma exists and is often fuelled by ignorance, misconceptions and fear. Having honest conversations about experiences of stigma is vital to feel supported. Stigma adds to isolation, fear and harm people living with HIV can experience. If you are scared of, or feel you are experiencing stigma, we can help you talk to someone about how to deal with it.

Toitu te Ao is a group founded by Maori living with HIV and AIDS for Maori living with HIV and AIDS. We are a support organization that provides a range of services and support for Maori living with HIV and AIDS in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Pamoja is an HIV prevention and support programme for and by Africans living in Aotearoa New Zealand. The programme provides support for people who are living with and affected by HIV by empowering the community in a culturally appropriate way.
Body Positive Inc. is an organisation founded by and run for people with HIV/AIDS. Body Positive Inc. provides a broad range of services in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a sense of community and wellbeing.
Positive Women Inc. is a support organisation for women and families living with HIV and AIDS. They are also involved in HIV advocacy, awareness and destigmatisation.
Sexual Health Services are available through all DHBs across the country. They are a specialist service offering free and confidential sexual health care.
UNAIDS is the joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS, an innovative partnership that leads and inspires the world in achieving universal access to HIV information and prevention.
The Ministry of Health provides information about HIV and AIDS in New Zealand. Information includes answers to frequently asked questions, recommendations for HIV testing of adults in healthcare settings, research, and publications.
NAM/AIDSmap work to change lives by sharing information about HIV and AIDS. They provide independent, clear and accurate information on HIV free of charge.
OUTLine is a free, confidential telephone counselling service for the LGBTIQ+ community. They also provide face-to-face counselling services.